Report of CME Induction of Labour 2018
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Navodaya Medical College organized workshop on Induction of Labour on 29th September 2018, with the unstinted support and encouragement from the Honorable Chairman of NET, Shri S. R. Reddy, as part of Silver Jubilee celebration Year.
The scientific sessions began at 9am which contained Didactic lectures, Interactive sessions at C.M.Gurumurthy hall.
The inaugural function was presided by Dr. B. Vijaychandra, The Principal, NET. The guest of honor for the event was Dr. T Srinivas, The Registrar, NET. Dr. Usha Doddamani, KMC observer, Associate Professor Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology GIMS, Gulbarga and Dr. Sheela.M.kodliwadmath, Organizing Chairman, Prof and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, NMC, were other dignitaries on the dais.
Dr. Trupti Patel welcomed the gathering and Dr. Nisha Kanchan Organizing Secretary addressed the gathering, Dr.T. Srinivas delivered the guest address Dr.B. Vijayachandra gave the presidential address, vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. J. Lalitha Assoc. Prof of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology NMC.
The scientific event covered various topics on Induction of Labour by distinguished speakers Dr. G. Sailaja, Professor and Head of department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology PIMS, Karimnagar, Dr. Vidya Thobbi Professor and Head of department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Al-Ameen medical college, Vijaypur, Dr. Sheela M. Kodliwadmath Professor and Head of department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, NMC, Raichur, Dr. P. Malathi Professor Government Maternity Hospital Hyderabad.
Live workshop regarding monitoring induction was performed by Dr. G.Sailaja, Dr. Vidya Thobb, Dr. Sheela.M.Kodliwadmath and Dr. P.Malathi. A total of 136 delegates participated including consultants and post graduates.
The scientific event concluded with valedictory function at 5.30pm.
KMC accreditation committee had awarded 2 credit hours to all delegates and 3 credit hours to faculty members and ICOG awarded 5 credit points to all delegates.
The conduction of the entire event and the infrastructure was highly appreciated by the delegates and faculty members.