Dr. Geethalakshmi R G

Dr C Mohammad Iliyas

Dr Ratnaprabha G K

Dr. Arshiya Taranam

Dr Kiran Munnaji

Dr. Sujatha N

Dr. Lakshmi Devi

Dr Anusha T

Dr Roopakala N

Dr Radha

Dr Pratibharani Reddy

Dr. Geethalakshmi R G
Professor & Head
- MD, from JJMMC, Davangere in the year 1989
- MBBS from JJMMC, Davangere in the year 1977.
- Working as a Professor & Head at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
- Training of Anganwadi workers and helpers from 1992 to date
- Department of Medical Education Unit since 2009
- IYCF (Infant and young child feeding practices) 2011.
- Comprehensive Care of People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and Integrated Management of Adult and Adolescent Illnesses
- RNTCP Scientific basis and Rationale for DOTs, TOG and PMDT (Tuberculosis)
- Non communicable diseases-prevention, treatment and control.
- Davangere,Chitradurga, Chikkamaglur and Bellary districts doctors and Health Care Workers
- Nominated as National Assessor for Baby friendly Hospital initiative in 1994 and to date assessed many hospitals in Karnataka state.
- Actively participating in National Pulse Polio Programme as Co-ordinator from 1995 to date.
- Worked for UNICEF in the year 2001 – 2002 - Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization (IPPI) Monitoring and Evaluation of pulse Polio Programme in Davangere and Harihar Taluk.
- Secretary to Breast Feeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI) Davangere District Branch from 2002 to 2004 and as President from 2004 to 2010 .
- Member of Child Welfare Committee Davangere District - 2003-2010.
- Project Officer for Routine Immunization of Children covering a population of 50,000 in Davangere urban area - 2005.
- Felicitation by IMA Davangere in association with Academic body of JJMMC Honored for my achievements and services rendered. 26-7-2008
- Joint secretary for Lady Doctors Association since-2005
- Under this many activities are conducted like free medical check- ups and health awareness programme for general public
- Vice president of Students Association of JJM Medical College -2010-2011
- Worked as Observer with clinical attachment in community Paediatrics. Sheffield Children Hospital, Sheffield, England, UK 15-07-2011 to 31-08-2011
- Guide for the post graduate students for dissertation topics submitted to KUVEMPU UNIVERSITY& RGUHS
- Many publications inNational and international journals
- Geethalakshmi R. G., Madonna. Dsouza, Adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment among patients in urban field practice area of medical college, Davangere, Karnataka: a qualitative study. International journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. Vol. 6, Issue 6,YearJune 2019;Page 2555 -2558.
- Anupama, G. K. Ratnaprabha, R.G. Geethalakshmi. A Cross-sectional Study to Assess Neck Circumference as an Indicator of Central Obesity among Healthy Adults in Rural Karnataka. Vol. 9, Issue 2, Year 2021 ,Page ;29-33.
- A. M. Preethi, R.G Geethalakshmi, K. Prakash. A Study on Perception for Gender Preference among Married Women of Urban Field Practice Area of a Medical College in Davangere, Karnataka. Annals of Community Health (AoCH) Vol. 9, Issue 2, Year June 2021; Page 177-181

Dr C Mohammad Iliyas
- MD JJMMC davengire in the year 2011
- MBBS from VIMS bellary in the year 1986
- Currently Working as Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- 3 International Journal
- 3 National

Dr Ratnaprabha G K
- MBBS from KBNIMS, Gulbarga in 2006
- MD, Community Medicine from St. John’s Medical College, Bengaluru in 2012
- Worked as trainer in Anaemia Project by Myrada and NRHM
- Worked for CBR project, Drishti project, Non-communicable diseases project, Senior citizen services, Immunization and MCH Services in St. Johns Medical College
- Working as Trainer of Trainers for Tuberculosis programme (RNTCP) conducted by Government of Karnataka and NGOs from last 2 years.
- Yamuna BN, Ratnaprabha GK, Prakash Kengnal. Prevalence of acute morbidities and their health seeking behaviour among under-five children of urban slums in a city in Karnataka. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2017 July;4(7):2449-2456.
- Ratnaprabha GK, Sindhu P, Aswin Kumar, Prakash R Kengnal, Ashok Kumar MS. Work or family…? Huge conflict in working population: a cross sectional study in a city in Karnataka. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Oct;4(10):3691-3697.
- Ratnaprabha GK, Aswin Kumar, Ashok Kumar MS. Practices regarding personal hygiene among government high school students of a rural area in Central Karnataka. Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2018;7(6):457-461.
- Ratnaprabha GK, Shashikala P, Note taking. Journal of Educational Research and Medical Teacher. 2017;5(2):1-7.
- Aswin Kumar, Ratnaprabha. Awareness about HIV and post exposure prophylaxis among students of a nursing college from Central Karnataka: A cross sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2019 Jan;6(1):303-307.
- Muhammed Muntazeem G, Ratnaprabha GK, Varadaraja Rao BA, Prakash Kengnal. A study of risk factors for ischemic heart disease in a village of Davanagere district: a case control study. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2019 Jun;6(6):2660-2665
- Kumar A, Ratnaprabha GK, Anatao FR. Accessing Medical Information on Smart-Phone: Usage and Perception among Post Graduate Students of A Medical College, Central Karnataka – A Cross Sectional Study. Natl J Community Med. 2020;11(7):304-308.
- Anupama, GK. Ratnaprabha, RG. Geethalakshmi. A Cross sectional study to Assess Neck Circumference as an indicator of Central Obesity among Healthy Adults in Rural Karnataka. Annals of Community Health. 2021;9(2):29-33.
- Ratnaprabha, G. Muhammed Muntazeem, Aswin Kumar.Pattern of self medication among medical students of a private institute in Davangere: A cross-sectional study International Journal of Preclinical and Clinical Research. 2021;2(1):8-12.
- GK Ratnaprabha, Aswin Kumar, Prakash Kengnal. Assessment of Attitude towards Communication Skill learning among Medical Students in a Private Medical College in Karnataka. Annals of Community Health. 2021;9(3):170-174.

Dr. Arshiya Taranam
Associate Professor
- MD in Community Medicine from RGUHS Bangalore in the year 2014
- MBBS from KVG Medical College, Sullia in the year 2008
- Working as an Associate Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
- 2 International Journals
- 5 National Journals
- Attended 5 Workshops
- Member of IMA
- Member of IAPSM
- Member of KACH.
- Attended MBPH- RNTCP training held at Shimoga on 18th September
- “Karnataka State level Training in Guidelines for PMDT in India – 2021” from 22-07-2021 till 23-07-2021 conducted by STDC, Karnataka.
- “Basic Course in Biomedical Research Online Certification” conducted by ICMR & NIE completed in Cycle 5 (2022).ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES:
- Actively participated in Pulse Polio Immunization held on 24-01-2016 to 27-01-2016 and 28-02-2016 to 02-03-2016 at Raichur Railway Station organized by Navodaya Medical College and Pulse Polio Immunization Programme.
- Organized and actively participated in the Workshop on Supportive Supervision for RNTCP in North Karnataka Region held on 29-01-2019 and 30-01-2019 at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- Organized many awareness programmes, rally, health check up camps and health talks for various World Health Days.
- Actively participated in Taluka level Malnutrition Screening camp for 0-18 years children and pregnant women held from October to December 2021 at Sindhanoor and Manvi talukas, Raichur district.
- Sarvamangala K, Arshiya T. Fertility Desires and Contraception Practices among HIV Positive women attending Antiretroviral Therapy Centre (A.R.T) of a tertiary care hospital,Davangere. International Journal of Current Research and Review. October 2013;5(19) :91-96.
- K Sarvamangala, Arshiya Taranum.Menstrual Pattern, Sexual Behavior and Contraceptive Use among Postpartum Women in a tertiary care hospital in Davangere. Medica Innovatica. December 2013 ;2(2) :Page 61-66.
- Md Shakeel,Arshiya Taranum.Clinoco-social Profile and Surgical Management of cases of Diabetic foot: A prospective study. International Journal of Contemporary Surgery. July-December 2013; 1 (2): 134-138.
- MD Shakeel,Altaf M Shaik, Arshiya Taranum Prevalence of HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C and associated risk factors in patients undergoing elective surgery-A prospective study.Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development.
- Pavan S Kalasker, Arshiya Tarannum.Prevalence of childhood obesity among school going children and its associated sociodemographic factors in shirur village, Bagalkot. National Journal of Community Medicine.Sept 2016; 7(9):783-785.
- Arshiya Taranum , Navinkumar Angadi .A study of frequency and factors associated with depression among adult diabetics in urban areas of Davangere, karnataka . National Journal of Community Medicine. Feb 2016; 7(2):111-115
- Arshiya Taranum, Pavan Kalasker .Perception of Importance of Physical Activity and Factors for Noncompliance to Physical Activity among Adult Type 2 Diabetic Patients. National Journal of Community Medicine. Nov 2016 ; 7( 11): 882-886
- Arshiya Taranum, Navinkumar Angadi. Family Planning Practices and Associated Factors among HIV Positive Women Attending HIV Clinic of a Tertiary Care Hospital, Davangere. National Journal of Community Medicine. Nov 2016; 7(11):864-867│
- Lakshmi Devi , Arshiya Taranum. Compliance to oral iron supplementation and associated factors in antenatal mothers in tertiary care hospital, Raichur. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. Jul-Sep 2018; 10 ( 3) :207-210
- N, Arshiya Taranum. “Study of Postpartum Depression and its Associated Factors in Women Attending Tertiary Care Hospital, Raichur.” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. June 2019; 10 (6): 98-101.
- Arshiya Taranum, Satya Reddy, Muhammed Muntazeem G. Factors associated with open air defecation in a rural field practice area of a medical college: a cross sectional study. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health.March 2020 ;7 ( 3) :909-913.
- National workshop on State/District Specific Strategic Analysis for Investment in health (NRHM)from 6th to 9th March 2013 at JJM medical College, Davangere.
- “Seminar on Writing and Publishing a Health Sciences / Medical Research Paper in Scholarly Journals : A Beginner’s Guide” Organized by Navodaya College of Physiotherapy, held on 18th October 2014 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “CME on Revised PPTCT Guidelines and Early Infant Diagnosis” Organized by Department of Community Medicine, held on 3rd January 2015 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “Seminar on Research Methodology” Organized by NIN, Hyderabad & Navodaya Group of Institutions, held on 20th August 2015 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “CME & Workshop on Pediatric Imaging in Clinical Practice & Echocardiography Workshop” Organized by Department of Radio-diagnosis, held on 27th March 2016 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “Workshop on Research Methodology” Organized by Medical Education Unit, held on 8th & 9th August 2016 at NMCH & RC, Raichur..
- International Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ held on 13th February 2021 organized by the Department of Public Health in collaboration with IPHA Karnataka chapter and Telemedicine Society of India, Karnataka chapter.
- Live Webinar – ‘CME on Research Grant Proposal Writing’ held on 22nd December 2021 organized by the Department of Community Medicine, AJ Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore.
- Preconference workshop on “CBME in Community Medicine” held on 27th February 2022 organized by Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai.
- 49th Annual National Conference of IAPSM & 23rd Joint IAPSM & IPHA Conference, Maharastra Chapter 2022 held on 3rd – 5th March 2022 in virtual mode organized by Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Nagpur and Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharastra.

Dr Kiran Munnaji
Associate Professor
- 1.A study of effect of special lecture on awareness related to organ donation among second year undergraduate medical students of a Medical College in a Metropolitan City, Maharashtra. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health.2017; 3(2): 1-6.
- A study of five years trend of Case fatality rate of leptospirosis in a tertiary care hospital in Mumbai, India. International Journal of Current Research in Medical Sciences. 2017; 3(1): 39-47.
- Mavatkar MV, Singh V, Pol SS. A cross-sectional study to establish the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism and its effect on maternal and fetal outcome among pregnant women attending antenatal care outpatient department in tertiary care hospital. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2018;7(5):390-395.
- Mavatkar MV. A cross sectional study on social media usage and health status among under graduate medical students studying in government medical college Telangana. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:2959-62.
- MavatkarMV,Chavan GM. Assessment of Immunization Coverage of Pediatric Population in Telangana. Natl J Community Med 2019; 10(4):203-206.
- 6.Mavatkar MV ,Aruna Devi S, , Usha Rani C .Effectiveness of Community based intervention on Family Life Education with special emphasis on nutrition among school going adolescent girls in a village of Andhra radesh.Int J Med Sci Public Health. 2019 ;8(12):1068-1072.
- Mavatkar MV ,Aruna Devi S, , Usha Rani C. Effectiveness of Community Based Intervention on Reproductive Health Education among School Going Adolescent Girls in a Village of District in Andhra radesh. Natl J Community Med 2019;10(8):461-465.
- 8.The Association of Epidemiological and Clinical Parameters with Diabetes and Hypertension in a Rural Area: A Mahbubnagar District Study.Journal of Epidemiology and Public health.2022;7(03):296-303.
- 9.Assessment of Dietary habits and Nutritional Status of Undergraduate Medical Students of Telangana with special emphasis on Food Psychology , A Cross-Sectional Study. Europian journal of molecular and Clinical Medicine.2023;9(01):4622-4632.
- 10.Basic cource in Biomedical Research AUG-DEC2020.
- Worked for WHO under Intensified Mission Indradhanush as External Monitoring Officer for Mahbubnagar District-2018.
- Worked as Resource head for Warangal District Telangana for Pan India Project regarding Impact on NPCDCS program during COVID . A joint collaboration project between AIIMS New Delhi and WHO.
- ICMR STS Project-2022 Approved. : Assessment Of Knowledge, Attitude And Practice About Biomedical Waste Management Among Healthcare Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic In Government Tertiary Care Hospital In Telangana.

Dr. Sujatha N
Asst. Professor
- MD in Community Medicine from Navodaya Medical College, Raichur in the year 2017
- MBBS from Navodaya Medical College, Raichur in the year 2012.
- Working as an Assistant Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
- Guided an approved ICMR STS 2022 project titled “Evaluation of the basic infrastructure and logistics at Anganwadi Centres in the urban area of Raichur city of Karnataka – A Cross Sectional Study” conducted by Nidhi J, 3rd year MBBS student.
- Worked as District Nodal Officer in verification of Sub-national certification of “TB Free India” from 28-02-2022 to 14-3-2022.
- “Karnataka State level Training in Guidelines for PMDT in India – 2021” from 22-07-2021 till 23-07-2021 conducted by STDC, Karnataka.
- “Basic Course in Biomedical Research Online Certification” conducted by ICMR & NIE completed in Cycle 5 (2022).
- “ICMR’s National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants, 2017” on 09-07-2022 conducted by Yenepoya Ethics Committee-1, Mangalore in collaboration with Navodaya Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Raichur.
- Actively participated in Pulse Polio Immunization held on 25-01-2015 to 28-01-2015 and 22-02-2015 to 25-02-2015 at Raichur Railway Station organized by Navodaya Medical College and Pulse Polio Immunization Programme.
- Actively participated in Pulse Polio Immunization held on 24-01-2016 to 27-01-2016 and 28-02-2016 to 02-03-2016 at Raichur Railway Station organized by Navodaya Medical College and Pulse Polio Immunization Programme.
- Supportive supervision of Active Case Finding activity for Tuberculosis cases in Raichur and Deodurga from 02-07-2018 to 13-07-2018 organized by District Tuberculosis Centre, Raichur.
- Supportive supervision of Mission Indradanush in Raichur district held in the months of July, August and September, 2018 organized by World Health Organization.
- Organized and actively participated in the Workshop on Supportive Supervision for RNTCP in North Karnataka Region held on 29-01-2019 and 30-01-2019 at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- Organized many awareness programmes, rally, health check up camps and health talks for various World Health Days.
- Actively participated in Taluka level Malnutrition Screening camp for 0-18 years children and pregnant women held from October to December 2021 at Sindhanoor and Manvi talukas, Raichur district.
- Anju Ade, N. “Awareness of Antenatal Care Services and Danger Signals during Pregnancy.” International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. July 2016; Volume 6; Issue 7: 01- 06. (ISSN: 2249-9571)
- Ganganapalli Vandana, N, Kurre Bhaskar. “Study on depression among elderly people in an urban slum of Raichur.” International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. May 2019; Volume 6; Issue 5: 2116-2120. (ISSN : 2394-6032)
- N, Arshiya Taranum. “Study of Postpartum Depression and its Associated Factors in Women Attending Tertiary Care Hospital, Raichur.” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. June 2019; Volume 10; Issue 6: 98-101. (ISSN : 0976-0245)
- Sujatha.N, Dr. Brunda.N.K. “A cross-sectional study on socio-demographic profile and problems of Anganwadi workers in the urban municipality area of Raichur city.” International Journal of Advanced Community Medicine. 2020; Volume 3; Issue 1: 81-85. (ISSN : 2616-3594)
- Palle Satya Reddy, N, Bhaskar Kurre. “A Cross Sectional Study on Assessment of Stress among Auto- rickshaw Drivers in Urban Areas of Raichur.” Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, September 2020, Vol. 11, No. 9: 74-78.
- Brunda NK, Sujatha N, Kurre B. “Comparing knowledge, attitude, practice and stigma associated with SARS- COV-2 Infection among Healthcare students of Bangalore city: A cross sectional study.” Indian Journal of Community Health. Oct-Dec 2021; 33(4):658-662.
- Sujatha N, Dr. Brunda N K, Mr. Bhaskar Kurre. “Comparing Awareness about HIV/AIDS Infection among Medical and Nursing Students in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study.” Global Journal of Research Analysis. May 2022; 11(5): 1-3.
- 1 International Journal
- 1 National Journals
- Attended 6 Workshops
- “Seminar on Writing and Publishing a Health Sciences / Medical Research Paper in Scholarly Journals : A Beginner’s Guide” Organized by Navodaya College of Physiotherapy, held on 18th October 2014 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “CME on Revised PPTCT Guidelines and Early Infant Diagnosis” Organized by Department of Community Medicine, held on 3rd January 2015 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “CME on Recent Advances in Oncology” Organized by Department of General Medicine, held on 15th March 2015 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “Seminar on Research Methodology” Organized by NIN, Hyderabad & Navodaya Group of Institutions, held on 20th August 2015 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- XXVII Annual State Conference of Karnataka Association of Community Health (KACHCON – 2015) held on 30th & 31st October, 2015at Yenepoya Medical College, Yenepoya University, Mangalore.
- “CME on Medical Retina & Keratoplasty” Organized by Department of Ophthalmology, held on 6th March 2016 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “CME & Workshop on Pediatric Imaging in Clinical Practice & Echocardiography Workshop” Organized by Department of Radio-diagnosis, held on 27th March 2016 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- “Workshop on Research Methodology” Organized by Medical Education Unit, held on 8th & 9th August 2016 at NMCH & RC, Raichur.
- XXVIII Annual State Conference of Karnataka Association of Community Health (KACHCON – 2016) held on 9th & 10th December, 2016 at Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education, Tumakuru.
- 30th Annual State Conference of Karnataka Association of Community Health (KACHCON – 2018) held on 29th & 30th September, 2018 at JJM Medical College, Davanagere.
- International Webinar on ‘Role of Telemedicine in COVID-19 Pandemic’ held on 13th February 2021 organized by the Department of Public Health in collaboration with IPHA Karnataka chapter and Telemedicine Society of India, Karnataka chapter.
- Live Webinar – ‘CME on Research Grant Proposal Writing’ held on 22nd December 2021 organized by the Department of Community Medicine, AJ Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore.
- National Webinar on “Breakthrough in Data Analysis” held on 25th February 2022 organized by Department of Community and Family Medicine, AIIMS Patna.
- Preconference workshop on “CBME in Community Medicine” held on 27th February 2022 organized by Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai.
- 49th Annual National Conference of IAPSM & 23rd Joint IAPSM & IPHA Conference, Maharastra Chapter 2022 held on 3rd – 5th March 2022 in virtual mode organized by Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College, Nagpur and Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharastra.
- International CME on “Scope of Preventive Cardiology in COVID - 19 Pandemic” held on 5th March 2022 organized by Department of Community Medicine, Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadag.
- National Webinar on “Sample Size Made Easy” held on 8th March 2022 organized by Department of Community and Family Medicine, AIIMS Patna.
- Member of IMA
- Member of IAPSM
- Member of KACH.

Dr. Lakshmi Devi
Assistant Professor
- MD in Community Medicine from Navodaya Medical College, Raichur in the year 2018
- MBBS from MRMC in the year 2013.
- Working as an Assistant Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
- Basic Course in Biomedical Research online certification conducted by ICMR & NIE completed in Cycle 5 (2022).
- 1 National Journals
- Attended 4 Workshops
- Lakshmi Devi , Arshiya Taranum. Compliance to oral iron supplementation and associated factors in antenatal mothers in tertiary care hospital, Raichur. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. Jul-Sep 2018; 10 ( 3) :207-210.
- Lakshmi Devi,Sandeep Patil.Study of medical diseases among pre-pubertal school children(12-14 years) attending rural schools.Trends in medical and clinical sciences.2023;56-62.
- Presented a scientific paper (Oral) entitled KNOWLEDGE ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE REGARDING EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING AMONG MOTHER ATTENDING PEDIATRIC OUTPATIENT DEPARTMENT” in the XXVIII Annual State Conference of Karnataka Association of Community Health (KACHCON – 2016) held on 9th & 10th December, 2016.
- Actively participated in Pulse Polio Immunization Programme.
- Organized and actively participated in the Workshop on Supportive Supervision for RNTCP in North Karnataka Region held on 29-01-2019 and 30-01-2019 at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- Organized many awareness programmes, rally, health check up camps and for various World Health Days.
- Actively participated in Taluka level Malnutrition Screening camp for 0-18 years children and pregnant women held from October to December 2021 at Sindhanoor and Manvi talukas, Raichur district.
- Member of IMA

Dr Anusha T
Assistant Professor
- MD Dr B R A MC Bangalore in the year 2015
- MBBS from SSMC Tumkur in the year 2011
- Working as Assistant Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- 1 International Journal

Dr Roopakala N
Assistant Professor
- MBBS – Belagaum Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagaum
- MD Community Medicine – Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubballi
- DNB Community Medicine – National Board of Education in Medical Science
- Working as an Assistant Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
- KACHCON 2018 – Oral presentation - A study to assess the accuracy of aneroid and digital sphygmomanometer in community based screening for hypertension
- KACHCON 2019 – Poster presentation - Impact of violence against doctors on the perception of medical students about their future career: A cross-sectional study in Hubballi, Karnataka
- IAPSMCON 2020 – Oral presentation - Qualitative exploration of barriers to early diagnosis and treatment among breast cancer survivors attending tertiary care hospital in north karnataka
- Bathija GV, Narasimha R . A cross-sectional study on health related behaviors among swimming pool users and sanitary conditions of swimming pools in Hubballi city. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019,6(12):5174-80
- Nandini C, Roopakala N, Andanigoudar KB. Barriers to Early Diagnosis and Treatment among Breast Cancer Survivors: Qualitative Study in Tertiary Care Hospital, North Karnataka. Natl J Community Med 2022;13(3):190-194. DOI:10.55489/njcm.1332022398

Dr Radha
Assistant Professor
- MD Community Medicine from Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore, under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
- MBBS from Mahadevappa Rampure Medical College, Gulbarga, under Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
- Working as an Assistant Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur
Seminars/workshops/conferences attended:
- AMRITA International Public Health Conference - 2018
- KACHCON – CME & Workshop 2019
- State TB conference – Karnataka 2019
- IAPSMCON – 2020
- Radha, Ahmed M, Sumalatha N. A Cross-sectional Study on Assessment of Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Adults in Rural Field Practice area of Mysore Medical College. Ann Community Health 2021;9(1):168-172.

Dr Pratibharani Reddy
Assistant Professor
- Completed Postgraduate and senior residency at VIMS, Ballari.
- Presented various posters andpapers at conferences.
- Has worked as an intern in NIMHANS.
- Conducted screening activities likecancer, occupational hazards, conducted awareness camps on menstrual hygiene, antenatal andpostnatal care under the guidance of Head of department of community medicine, VIMS, Ballari.
- Skilled in Epidemiology, women and child health, biostatistics.
- MBBS 2012-2018 – MR Medical college, GulbargaMD Community Medicine 2019-2022 - VIMS, Ballari
- Workshop on TB 2019
- KACHKON 2019 at AIIMS, Belur
- Short course on One Health- A Health promotion prospective
- Online Webinar on World Breastfeeding Week 2023
- National CME on Tuberculosis , JSS Medical College
- Reddy P, Ramesh K Jacob AM, et al. Morbidity pattern and its determinants in urban field practice areaof VIMS, Bellary -a cross-sectional study. J Evid Based Med Healthc 2021;8(30):2763-2767. DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2021/5
- Jacob AM, Ramesh K, Reddy Goud TG. 4edes Larval 1ndices and Housing Conditions in Urban Area ofBallari A Descriptive Cross-sectional Study. Ann Community Health 2021;9(2):24-28.
- Pratibharani Reddy, K. Ramesh, Anju Mariam Jacob et al. Clinico-epidemiological profile ofMucormycosis patients admitted in VIMS hospital, Ballari: Case series. Indian Journal of Public HealthResearch and Development 2023;14(2).
- Anju Mariam Jacob, Ramesh K, R Keerthi. Perception of E-learning among Medical Students of VIMS,Ballari, Karnataka: A Cross Sectional Study. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development2023;14(2).
- Vidya D, Ramesh K, Pratibharani Reddy, Gangadhara Goud, Kesava Perumal S, Punith G.D.OUTCOMEOF MUCORMYCOSIS AMONG COVID-19 PATIENTS ADMITTED AT TERTIARY CARE HOSPITAL DURING THESECOND WAVE .International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy (www.academicmed.org)ISSN (O): 2687-5365; ISSN (P): 2753-6556