Dr. Anandkumar Harwalkar

Dr. Harish Bhat. K.

Dr. Shivakumar

Mrs. Padmini

Dr. Anandkumar Harwalkar
Professor of Microbiology & Lab. Director
- Ph.D. in Medical Microbiology in the Faculty of Medicine from St. John’s Medical College, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore on 14th June 2014.
- Ph.D. in Microbiology in the Faculty of Science and Technology from Gulbarga University, Gulbarga on 03rd January 2004.
- M.Sc. Medical Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal.
- Professor at Navodaya Medical College Raichur.
- Prevalence of virulence factors and phylogenetic characterization of uropathogenic Escherichia coli causing urinary tract infection in patients with and without diabetes mellitus. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2015; 109: 769-774..
- Lower prevalence of hlyD, papC and cnf-1 genes in ciprofloxacin-resistant uropathogenic Escherichia coli than their susceptible counterparts isolated from southern India. Journal of infection and public health 2014; 7: 413-419.
- The detection of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli in patients with symptomatic UTIs using different diffusion methods in a rural setting. Journal of infection and public health 2012; 4: 2081-7.
- Evaluation of cefotoxin disc diffusion test as a rapid phenotypic method for detection of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) – STS Projest funded by RGUHS, Bangalore.
- Genotypic detection and characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) from various clinical materials.
- Evaluation of C-terminal telopeptide-II (CTX-II) from urine in osteoarthritis by Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) as non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers
- Study of Virulence markers of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from diabetes mellitus patients with urinary tract infection – ICMR funded STS Project
- Influence of oxygen sensitive vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression in pulmonary tuberculosis and its correlation with erythropoietin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (Co-guide for the Ph.D. thesis topic)
- Serum VEGF and TNF alpha correlate bacterial burden in pulmonary tuberculosis. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. 2019; 10(1): 168-172
- Role of TNF-alpha on the function of erythropoietin and hematological profile in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research. 2018; 12(8): BC01-BC04.
- Occurrence and characterization of urinary tract infection in patients with and without diabetes mellitus with special reference to Escherichia coli. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research; 2017; 4 (3):
- Rate of isolation of Helicobacter pylori from Different Clinical Samples In Patients Suffering from Gastritis Attending Tertiary Care Hospital. J Pure Appl Microbio 2017; vol. 11, issue 2.
- Enhanced adhesion and cell damage by Escherichia coli harboring hly, papC and cnf-1 genes to the uroepithelium in the diabetic mouse bladder model. J Pure Appl Microbio 2017;11(1):577-583.
- An evaluation of the vibration perception threshold (VPT) testing as an early predictive diagnostic marker of neuropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2015 Oct; 6(4): (B) 26 – 31
- Occurrence and characterization of Candida species isolated from symptomatic cases of urinary tract infection. J Pub Health Med Research 2013; 1: 28-31
- Detection of Cell Surface Hydrophobicity and Biofilm formation among ESBL- and non-ESBL- producing uropathogenic Escherichia coli J Med Edu & Research 2012; 2: 12-20
- Evaluation of serum adenosine deaminase activity during the course of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment. Biomedical Research 2012; 23(1): 109-114.
- Symptomatic and asymptomatic urinary tract infection by Escherichia coli among pregnant women attending an outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Journal of Pure and applied microbiology. 2011; 5(2): 717-723.
- Biodegradation of phenol by free and immobilized cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Biomedicine 2010; 30(4): 487-494.
- A comparative study and evaluation of serum adenosine deaminase activity in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Biomedical research 2010: 21(2): 189-194.
- Increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance and multidrug resistance among uropathogens. Journal of Commun Dis 2003; 35(2): 102-108.
- In-vitro activity of Norfloxacin against uropathogens and drug efficacy is simulated bladder model under diabetic conditions. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 2003; 2(1): 37-42.
- Prevalence of anemia and worm infestation in school going girls at Gulbarga, Karnataka. Indian Pediatrics. 2003; 40: 70-72.
- Seroprevalence of HBV among people visiting barber. Journal of Communicable Diseases 2002; 34(2): 154-156.
- Presented paper in XVI Annual IAMM- Karnataka Chapter conference held at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore on 19th Feb. 2012
- Presented paper in XVII Annual IAMM- Karnataka Chapter conference held at Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore on 24th Feb. 2013.
- Presented poster in XXVII National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists-2003, Microcon, Mumbai
- Presented poster in Association of Microbiologists of India, 21st National Conference -2001, Dept. of Microbiology, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga. Karnataka
- Presented a scientific paper in Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, 5th Maharashtra Chapter Conference. 1999. MIMSR Medical College, Latur. MH
- Current Issues in Diagnostic Microbiology’ held from 24 – 25 September 2004 at Dept of Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka.
- Work shop cum training under Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) held in the Dept. of Microbilogy, Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore from 7.11.05 to 11.11.05.
- Basic workshop in ‘Medical Education Technologies’ conducted by regional training center St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore, 2009.
- Techniques in ‘Molecular Medicine’ held at the Academy’s training center, Pune from 13-18 Dec’2010.
- Best paper award at the XVI annual conference of IAMM-KC held at St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore on 19th Feb 2012.
- AMI (Association of Microbiologists of India) award and Silver Jubilee award of Post Graduate Department of Microbiologists, Gulbarga University for the best scientific poster presentation in 21st National Conference- 2002.

Dr. Harish Bhat. K.
Professor of Biochemistry & Lab. Supervisor
- Awarded Ph.D. from BLDE University (DU) on 1st Oct 2019
- M.Sc in Medical Biochemistry from Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore in the year 1999
- BSc (BZC) from Bhandarkar’s Arts and Science College, Kundapur in the year 1996
- Working as an Assistant Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- Role of TNF-α on the function of erythropoietin and hematological profile in pulmonary tuberculosis. Bhat H, Ambekar J G, Harwalkar A K, Dongre N, Das K K. JCDR 2018; 12(8): BC01-04.Serum VEGF and TNF-α Correlate Bacterial Burden in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Bhat H, Ambekar J G, Harwalkar A K, Dongre N, Das K. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and development. 2019; 10:189-194.
- The predictive power of microalbuminuria in diagnosing diabetic retinopathy in adults with Type II diabetes mellitus. Pallavi Ashrit, Arun Kumar, Gundumalla Pradeep Reddy, Vishal Kalasker, Harish Bhat International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, April-June, 2018;5(2):306-309.
- Thyroid dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing maintenance hemodialysis. Vishal Kalasker1, Arun Kumar, Srinivas Rao, Harish Bhat. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2017; 4(1):85-87.
- Prognostic significance of Ischemia Modified Albumin and the role of high sensitive C-reactive protein levels in acute ischemic stroke patients. Arun Kumar, Vishal Kalasker, K. Pratibha, K. Srinivas Rao, Harish Bhat. International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2016;3(3):262-266.
- Assessment of Vitamin D status in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in the pediatric age group. Pallavi Ashrit, Vishal Kalasker, Srinivasa Rao, Harish Bhat K International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research 2016; 3(3):320-324.
- Vishal Kalaskar, Sudha Madhuri, Kodliwadmath M V, and Harish Bhat. Effect of iron deficiency anemia on glycosylated hemoglobin levels in non-diabetic Indian adults. Int J Med Health Sci.2014; 3(1):40-43
- Sheetal D, Sreekantha, Yogesh B, Amarnath M, Manjunath P, Kodliwamath M V, Sreenivasa Rao K, Harish Bhat, and Vishal Kalaskar. Antioxidant Enzymes, Antioxidant Vitamins, Glutathione and uric acid levels in Nasal Polyps. International Journal of Pharma and BioSciences. 2012; 3: 71-76.
- K. Srinivas Rao, Anandkumar Harwalkar, B M Rudresh, T. Srinivas and K. Harish Bhat. Evaluation of serum adenosine deaminase activity during the course of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment. Biomedical Research 2012; 23(1): 109-114
- K. Srinivas Rao, Anandkumar Harwalkar, B M Rudresh, T. Srinivas, and K. Harish Bhat. A comparative study and evaluation of serum adenosine deaminase activity in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Biomedical research 2010; 21(2): 189-194.
- Vishal Kalaskar, Sudha Madhuri, Srinivas Rao, Kodliwadmath M V, and Harish Bhat. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Status in Alcoholic liver disease. The Antiseptic 2010; 107(11):544-46
- Vishal Kalaskar, Sudha Madhuri, Srinivas Rao, Kodliwadmath M V, and Harish Bhat. Lipid Peroxidation and non-enzymatic antioxidants in alcohol-induced chronic hepatitis. Biomedicine. 2010 ; 30(3):353-56.
- Attended 3rd Annual Conference of Association of Physiologists of India, ASSOPICON 2016 at BLDE(DU)’s SBMPMC, Vijaypur held from 14th to 17th September 2016.Presented Poster entitled “Correlation between Expression of Hypoxia-Induced Factors and Bacterial Burden in Pulmonary Tuberculosis” and awarded as 2nd Best Paper.
- Attended South Zone Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemist of India, ACBICON-2018 held from 7th to 8th December 2018 at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and presented a paper entitled “Role of Circulating Predictive Markers in Measuring Bacterial Burden in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients”

Dr. Shivakumar
Asst. Prof. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology & Senior Scientific Research Officer
Qualification | College | Year | Registration |
MBBS | JJMMC Davangere | 2009 | KMC-84388 Date 21 APR 2009(KARNATAKA MEDICAL COUNCIL) |
MD (Forensic Medicine) | AFMC Pune | 2020 | KMC-84388 Date: 18 Nov 2023(KARNATAKA MEDICAL COUNCIL) |
DNB (Forensic Medicine) | NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS | 2020 | KMC-84388 Date: 18 Nov 2023(KARNATAKA MEDICAL COUNCIL) |
Designation | Period | Place |
Senior Resident | 18 Sep 2020 to 17 Sep 2021 | AFMC, Pune |
Assistant Professor | 18 Sep 2021 to 23 Sep 2021 | AFMC, Pune |
Assistant Professor | 30 Sep 2021 to 27 Jul 2023 | INHS Asvini, Mumbai |
Assistant Professor | 03 Aug 2023 to Till Date | NMC, Raichur |
Total Teaching Experience:SR – 01 Year Asst. Prof – 02 ½ Years |
- Shivakumar D Kalakabandi, Thippesh Kumar N, Sarala M, K V Radhakrishna, Ravi Rautji. Estimation of Postmortem Interval Using RGB (Red Green and Blue) Scoring of Corneal Opacity. Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. Jan-Jun 2022; 30(1):72-76.
- Bansal S, Kalakabandi SD, Dhokia GR, Radhakrishna KV. A rare case of suicidal hanging with ligature tied around the abdomen - A case report. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2023;45(3):282-4.
- Epidemiology of drowning cases in South-Western part of Maharashtra – An autopsy based Fourteen years retrospective study
- Thippesh Kumar N, Sandeep Bansal, K V Radhakrishna, Sarala M, Shivakumar D Kalakabandi, Gautam Dhokia, Abhishek Rathee. A study of Epidemiology of Poisoning cases brought for autopsy at Tertiary health care centre in South-Western Maharashtra : A Ten year retrospective study. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 2021;15(4): 2739-2747.
- Kumar T, Kumar S, Rathee A, Radhakri KV. Current Trends in Sudden Natural Deaths in South-Western Maharashtra: A Six Year Retrospective Study. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2021 Apr 1;15(2).
- KV Radhakrishna, Sachin Chourasia, Shivakumar D K, Tippesh Kumar N, Abhijit Rudra. An autopsy study of Epidemiology of drowning at Medico-legal Centre of A Tertiary Healthcare Centre in South-western Maharashtra: Nine Years Retrospective Study. Global Journal for Research Analysis. 2017;6(12):98-102
- Sachin Chourasia, KV Radhakrishna, Ravi Rautji, Shivakumar D K, Sarala M, Thippesh Kumar N. A Nine -Year Retrospective Study Of Epidemiology Of Cause Of Death In John And Jane Doe, Brought For Autopsy At A Tertiary Medico Legal Centre In South-Western India: A Medico Legal Perspective. International Journal Of Scientific Research. 2018;7(11):472-475.
- Chourasia Sachin, Rautji Ravi, Radhakrishna KV, Baghel Janender, Shivakumar DK, Aziz Nabeel Disseminated invasive Aspergillosis in a case of fatal antemortem flame burns. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2019;41(2):64-6.
- Chourasia S, Singh JP, Rautji R, Shivakumar DK, Radhakrishna KV, Bansal MK. Profile of medico-legal cases in casualty of a tertiary health care centre in South-Western Maharashtra: A retrospective study. Indian Congress of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. 2019;17(2):36-42.
- Chourasia S, Karki R, Rautji R, Radhakrishna K V, Shivakumar DK. Profile of deaths due to hanging - a 10 years autopsy based retrospective study at a medico-legal centre of a tertiary healthcare centre in south-western Maharashtra, Paripex Indian Journal Of Research : 2019; 8(5):1-4.
- Shivakumar DK, Chaturvedi Y, Radhakrishna KV, Rautji R. Awareness of medico-legal issues among newly joined post graduate residents. Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine. 2019 Jul;6(3):170-2.
- Chourasia S, Baghel J, Rautji R, Radhakrishna KV, Shivakumar DK. An Autopsy Study of Fatal Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) at medico legal centre of a tertiary health care hospital in South Western Maharashtra: six year retrospective study. Int J Biomed Adv Res. 2019;10(5):e5152.
- Chourasia S, Radhakrishna KV, Rautji R, Shivakumar DK. Road traffic accidents attending casualty in a tertiary care hospital: A 3 year study from South Western India. Int J Res Med Sci. 2019;7(10):3744-50.
- Khan RN, Naresh U, Khera A, Rautji R, Radhakrishna KV, Kumar S. Classification, age estimation and cause of injuries among non fatal road traffic accident cases in a tertiary care hospital.2020;20(1):9-12.

Mrs. Padmini
Junior Research Officer
Qualification | Board/University | Institution | Year of Completion |
M.Sc (Medical Microbiology) | Manipal University | Kasturba Medical College | 2008-2011I - YearII and III Year |
B.Sc (Biotechnology, Chemistry, Microbiology) | Gulbarga University | Veerashaiva College Ballary | 2005-2008 |
Class XII | Karnataka State Pre University Board | Sri Dharmastala Manjunateshwara PU College | 2005 |
Class X | KSEEB | Sharada Vidya Niketan School Manvi | 2002 |
- Recent trends of Antibiotic Resistance Pattern.
- Vaccine developments in HIV and Malaria.
- Cancer immunology.
- Work experience of 300 hours in the Emergency Laboratory of Karnataka Hospital, Manipal, in accordance with the Master’ Degree curriculum have two years of work experience in medical college and hospital.
- Organisation- KMC Kasturba Medical College, Manipal.
- Organisation : Kgf and Dental college Kolar.
- Organisation : Bengaluru Medical College, (BMC ) Bengaluru
- Organisation : Nandini Nursing and Nandini Paramedical College Raichur
- Theory classes for Dental students practical demonstration for BDS students. Theory classes for MBBS IInd
- Practical demonstration for MBBS IInd year students.
- Theory classes for Paramedical (DMLT I, II, III year) and for Nursing and GNM students, seminar presentation.
- Automated Blood Culture Systems (BacT/ALERT)
- Immunology (ANA profile, ANA Global, pANCA, cANCA)
- Secrology
- Western Blot for HIV.
- TORCH Panel
- WIDAL for Typhoid
- Brucella agglutination test
- Weil-Felix for Reckeisial diseases
- Syphilis (VDRL, RPR, TPHA)
- ELISA, CRP., ASO, Paul Bunnel, RF, Dri Dot for Leptospira
- Spot – test (HIV TriDot, HCV TriDot, HBsAg)
- PCR (Nested) for M.tuberulosis
- Clinical specimen collection, Processing, Antibiotic sensivity testing, Reporting
- Anaerobic Bacteriology (Clinical specimen colletion, Processing, Operation of Anaerobic jar, reporting)
- Virology (Collection of Specimen, Immunofluroscenece)
- Mycobacteriology
- Specimen Collection, Processing and culture
- Mycology
- Collection of clinical specimen, Processing, Culture and reporting
- Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC) Malaria test, FALCIVAX – Rapid test for Malaria, Multiple Reagent strips for Urinalysis, HEMOSPOT for occult blood in stool.
- Sterility Checking of operation Theater.
- Bacteriological examination of Water and Evaluation of Efficacy of Disinfectants.
- RT-PCR for H1N1 Influenza Virus.
- Fluorescence microscope.
- PCR machine
- Refrigerated Centrifuge.
- Hot Soxhlet extractor.
- API system for identification of Bacteria in clinical specimens RT PCR for H1N Influence virus
- Research Work Determination of MIC of Ciprofloxacin and Nalidixic acid on Bacteriodes fragalis Species isolated in Kasturba Hospital clinical isolates.
- Identification of fungal infection school going children.
- Participated in various college Fests in Cultural activities.
- Attended the CME on “Nosocomial Infections: From Principles to Practice” conducted by Department of Microbiology, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (2009).
- Attended the CME on “Respiratory Infections and Microbes” conducted by
- Attended the CME on Microbial Insights 2009 conducted by Department of Clinical Microbilology, KMC International Centre, Manipal (2009).
- Listening Music, Singing, Dancing, Playing Carom and Cooking.
- English, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu
- Indira Bairy
- Cahiranjay Mukhopadhyay