Dear Students,
Dr. Anand A S graduated from M.R.Medical College, Gulbarga, Karnataka in 1995 and started his medical career as Medical Officer in rural areas of Karnataka serving the underdeveloped community people, by his exemplary clinical skills. Later, he obtained his post graduate degree in Pathology from M.R. Medical College, Gulbarga, RGUHS, Bengaluru.
His academic career started as Asst. Professor in Department of Pathology at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur. With his progressive tenure, he got promoted to Professor and Head of the Dept, Pathology. He has been a popular academician in this institution, leaving his imprint on many budding UG & PG students and also has been instrumental in organising many CME & Workshops, motivating the PG students, in Karnataka & also the neighbouring states. He has been a pivotal person in holding and delivering Guest Lectures, specially for PG students and by involving International Resource persons on several occasions at NMC Raichur.
He has enough experience as a PG teacher & has guided many PG students and helped both the UG & PG students to present papers at several State, National & International conferences and also helped them to participate at state level Pathology Quiz competitions.
He is one of the active members in the formation of Central Research Laboratory, NMC & actively involved in the Research activities in this Institution.
Dr. ANAND A S had the honor of chairing many academic sessions in CME & Workshop at State Level Pathology conferences.
He has many Publications to his credit, apart from being a reviewer of some International Pathology journals. He was also appreciated by German Publishes for some of his publications and received an offer to write a Monograph on “Cytodiagnosis of microfilaria in metastatic squamous cell carcinoma in cervical lymph node on FNAC” and “Tuberculous endometritis- A worrying recrudescence” from Lambert Academic Publishers, Germany.
RGUHS recognizing the skills of DR. ANAND A S, appointed him as Member of Board Of Studies for UG curriculum, RGUHS, Karnataka and also as L.I.C. Inspector to inspect some of the Medical Institutions in Karnataka.
Dr. ANAND A S has been appointed as an OBSERVER at many CME & Workshops, by Karnataka Medical Council, Bengaluru.
Knowing his academic & administrative capabilities DR. ANAND A S was promoted to the post of Vice Principal, Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
He has been a member of many professional bodies like Indian Association of Pathologists & Microbiologists, Indian Association of Cytologists, Indian Medical Association, etc.