Guest Lecture –Virtual platform
“A multi-parametric approach for the evaluation of Hematological Malignancies”
Navodaya Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Raichur
A Guest Lecture on “A multi-parametric approach for the evaluation of Hematological Malignancies” was organized by Department of Pathology, in collaboration with MEU, on 10th August 2024 from 4PM-6PM at AV Hall 1, Navodaya Medical College.
The session started with a brief inaugural ceremony which was presided by Dean/Principal NMC Dr. B. Devanand, Guest of Honor for the event was Dr. T. Srinivas, Registrar Navodaya Education Trust, Medical Superintendent NMCH&RC Dr. Arun Kumar, Dr. Aanand A. S. Vice principal, Professor and HOD Department of Pathology, Dr Shankrappa Professor and HOD Department of General Medicine, and Dr Sanjeev Chetty, Professor and HOD Department of Pediatrics were amongst the other dignitaries.
Dr. A.S. Aanand welcomed the gathering and gave a brief introduction of the Resource person Dr. Sharathkumar Bhagavathi.
Dr. Sharathkumar Bhagavathi shared his extraordinary knowledge about the Hematological Malignancies regarding the approach and management which benefitted both the Staff and the Post graduate students.
Highlights of the guest lecture were implications of various Hematological Malignancies which would affect the blood and immune system.
Early detection and treatment can make a big difference in fighting blood cancers. They can be complex and challenging to treat, but with the right patient approach, that addresses physical, emotional and psychological needs, ensuring optimal care and outcome, many people can achieve remission and live long, healthy lives.
Research and innovation have led to ancillary treatments and outcomes. Clinical trials and new therapies offer hope for more effective management of Hematological Malignancies.
Dr. B. Devanand in his presidential remarks appreciated Dr Sharathkumar Bhagavathi for sparing his valuable time for this guest lecture and comprehensive coverage on Hematological Malignancies and appealed him to continue such seminars to postgraduate students of our institution even in future. He lauded the efforts of Dept. of Pathology & congratulated for conduction of this event smoothly.
This virtual guest lecture had a huge response with registration of around 300 delegates participating from 12 different states of India, which was appreciated by Chief guest Dr.T.Srinivas,Registrar, N.E.T.
The session ended with elaborative and informative Question and Answer session which enlighted and helped the delegates to comprehend some useful information about the topic.
The conduction of the guest lecture was highly appreciated by the authorities and deemed to be a resounding success.