Dr. Anupama R Taklikar

Dr. Geetamani S

Dr. Sharana B. M

Dr. B. K S Reshma

Dr. Kanchana B. K

Dr Mohammed Abdul Wahed

Dr Divya Prasad

Dr Shilpa B K

Dr. Sheshank

Dr. Anupama R Taklikar
Professor & Head
- MS in Ophthalmology in the year 1995
- M.B.B.S at Govt. Medical College, Aurangabad in the year 1989
- Working as Professor & Head at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- Roopa S, Mathapathi, R.H Taklikar, Anupama Taklikar: A comparative study of intraocular pressure in AMetropic & emmetropic subject in & around Raichur City. NJMS, Vol-I Jul 2012
- Mathapathi R. S, Taklikar Anupama.R & Taklikar R.H: A Comparative study of intraocular pressure in emmetropic & myopic subject in Raichur City. J Phys Pharm Adv 2013, 3(1):1-6
- Shruti S Halki, Anupama Taklikar, Raju Taklikar: A Study of intraoperative complications during planned cataract operation in patients with Pseudoexfoliation. NJMS, Vol-II Jan 2013
- Mohammed Jeelani, RH Taklikar, Anupama Taklikar: Variation of intraocular pressure with age & Gender.National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology 2014/Vol-4 .
- Gagan Y.M. Taklikar Anupama, Taklikar R.H: Awareness of eye donation among paramedical students. NJMS, Vol-III Jan 2014.
- Dr. Deepa: April 24,(2017), Conjunctiva impression cytology as s diagnostic tool for assessment of dry eye in presence of normal tear film function test/ Ophthalmology & allied sciences
- Dr. Shruti Hunakunti, Dr. Anupama, Dr. Pradeep: Dec-13,2016, visual outcome in posterior polar cataract after small incision cataract surgery/ Ophthalmology & allied sciences
- Dr. Gagan, Dr. Haasitha, Dr. Anupama.T: A Clinical study of visual outcome & IOP in Len induced glaucoma attending a tertiary Eye centre/ Ophthalmology & allied sciences Nov (2016)
- Dr. Taklikar Anupama.R, Dr. Ayisha Afreen:Awareness of Eye Donation in the Rural Population of North Karnataka/ Ophthalmology & Allied Science/ Vol-4, No-1/ Jan-April-2018.
- Dr. Taklikar Anupama.R, Dr. Sajjanshetty Sheshank. V: Intra Operative & Post Operative Complications in SICS Patients with poorly dilating pupil/ Ophthalmology & Allied Science/ Vol-4, No-1/ Jan-April-2018.
- Dr. Taklikar Anupama.R, Dr. Nanda Sadanand: Effect of blood pressure in progression of diabetic retinopathy/ Ophthalmology & Allied Science/ Vol-4, No-2/ May-August-2018.
- Dr. Taklikar Anupama.R, Dr. Priyadarshini: Corneal Ulcer : A Case series study/ Ophthalmology & Allied Science/ Vol-4, No-2/ May-August-2018.
- Dr. Taklikar Anupama.R, Dr. Naveed Ahmed Attar ,Dr. Sajjanshetty Sheshank. V, Sana Sayed: Study of cataract surgical outcome in Diabetic Patients/ Ophthalmology & Allied Science/ Vol-4, No-3/ Sept-December-2018.
- Conducted Ophthalmology CME on 23.01.2011 RDOA -CME
- Conducted CME Programme on “Medical Retina & Keratoplasty” held on 06.03.2016

Dr. Geetamani S
- MS in Ophthalmology from Karnataka Medical College, Hubli in the year 1981
- M.B.B.S from Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore University in the year 1977
- Working as Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- National Ophthalmology conference at Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Coimbatore & DelhiState Conferences: Deccan Ophthalmic society, Bijapur, Miraj & Sangli
- Conducted CME Programme on “Medical Retina & Keratoplasty” held on 06.03.2016
- Guest Lecture at National Neuropedecan, Conference
- Guest Lecture at Hubli
- Member of rehabilitation council of India & conducted various seminars, CME & workshops for educating & creating awareness about visual disability & rehabilitation. actively involved & participating in Hubli Darwad Ophthalmic Society actively involved & participating in Hubli , Indian Medical council( Karnataka)
- Awarded by Karnataka institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli…
- Life time achievement & Dr. BC Roy award
- Deccan Medical Association & Indian Medical Association.

Dr. Sharana B. M
Assoc. Professor
- MS in Ophthalmology RGUHS University in the year 2008
- M.B.B.S under RGUHS University in the year 2003
- Fellowship in general Ophthalmology
- Working as Associate Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- To study the effect of Topical Diclofenac Sodium 0.1% as an alternative to topical steroid, Dexamethasone Phosphate 0.1% for post-operative control of inflammation after small incision cataract surgery/ Ophthalmology & allied sciences / Vol-2 No-1/Jan- June2016/ proquest U.S.A
- Efficacy and safety of timolol 0.5% versus brimonidine 0.2% in lowering IOP in cases of primary open angle glaucoma/ Ophthalmology & allied sciences / Vol-2 No-1/Jan- June2016/ proquest U.S.A
- Attended National Conference 2017 KOS at Bangalore
- CME at Bijapur & Gulbarga
- Conducted CME Programme on “Medical Retina & Keratoplasty” held on 06.03.2016

Dr. B. K S Reshma
Assoc. Professor
- MS in Ophthalmology RGUHS University in the year 2014
- M.B.B.S under RGUHS University in the year 2002
- Short term training in Phaco, Laser in Diabetic in Retinopathy.
- Working as Associate Professor at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- Prevalence of meibmian gland disease in type II diabetic patients & its clinical presentation/(2016) Journalof evidence based medicine & healthcare/ PISSN-2349-2562/ EISSN-2349-2570.
- Prevalence of dry eye disease in type 2 diabetic patients & its Co-relation with the duration, glycemic control & retinopathy/(2016) Al-Ameen J Med Sci/ ISSN-0974-1143.
- Endoscopic DCR as primary treatment in acute dacryocystitis in adults/ international journal of orbit & Oculoplasty
- Treatment of latent hypertrophy in adults presenting in with chronic headache//Ophthalmology & Allied Science/ Vol-3, No-2/ July-Dec-2017.
- A Study of outcome of pterygium dissection & surface Conjunctival auto grafting with sparing of the superior conjunctiva for the management of primary pteryium/Ophthalmology & Allied Science/ Vol-3, No-2/ July – Dec 2017.
- Pterygium Excision with Conjunctival Blood Auto-graft/ Ophthalmology & Allied Science/ Vol-4, No-1/ Jan-April-2018.
- Attended National Conference KOSCON 2015, KOSCON 2017
- Conducted Ophthalmology CME on 23.01.2011 RDOA -CME
- Conducted CME Programme on “Medical Retina & Keratoplasty” held on 06.03.2016
- KOSCON 2015, KOSCON 2017
- Cornea & cataract workshop in Hubli Joshi Hospital Jan 2017
- Successfully completed phaco training program, Laser in diabetic

Dr. Kanchana B. K
Sr. Resident
- DNB, Diploma in DOMS in Ophthalmology under RGUHS, Bangalore in the year 2013
- M.B.B.S under RGUHS, Bangalore university in the year 2008.
- Working as Sr. Resident at Navodaya Medical College, Raichur.
- Presented a paper/ Poster in Karnataka State Ophthalmic conference held at Bijapur in the 2012.
- Attended the Bangalore ophthalmic Society conference held at Bangalore every year.
- Attended the annual Karnataka State Ophthalmic Conference held at Bangalore, Mysore & Bijapur.
- Attended workshops in cornea KERATOSIGHT held by BWLEH, at Bangalore between 2014-2016.
- Completed DOMS from Mysore Medical College & RI, Mysore in 2013.
- Completed secondary DNB from Bangalore West Lions Super specialty eye hospital, Bangalore in 2016.
- Worked in peripheral training centre like Kollegal & Holenaraspura during the DNB course of 02 years, & performed independent Cataract surgeries.

Dr Mohammed Abdul Wahed
Assistant Professor
- MBBS from Navodaya Medical College, Raichur, Rajiv Gandhi University health and sciences
- MS from J.J.M Medical College, Davangere, Rajiv Gandhi University health and sciences
- Resident at JJMMC, Davangere from Jun 2017- July 2020
- Senior Resident at RIMS, Raichur from Oct 2020 to Oct 2021
- Assistant Professor at Navodaya Medical College Raichur from Nov 2021 Till Date
presentations, awards, publications and achievements:
- A Clinical Study of Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus 2018 ( Paper presentation)
- A Case of RE Axial Proptosis due to orbital cavernous Hemangioma 2018 ( Poster Presentation)
- A rare case of Goldenhaar Syndrome 2019( Poster presentation)
- A Clinical Study of Anterior uveitis in patients attending Tertiary Care Centre February 2020 International Journal of Scientific Research

Dr Divya Prasad
Senior Resident
- MBBS : S S Institute of Medical Sciences and research centre, Davangere (2010-2015)
- M S Ophthalmology: Sri Siddhartha Medical College and Research Centre, Tumkur (2018-2021)
Achievements :
- Distinction and Gold medal in MS Ophthalmology
- State topper in MS Ophthalmology 2021 exam
National Journals:
- Optic Neuritis in Patients with Type 2
- A Clinical Study on Changes in Iop after Dexamethasone Usage Following
Presentations :
- Poster on "A rare case of Bilateral Persistent Pupillary Membrane in an elderly male patient" at KOSCON 2019
- Poster on "Papillitis as a manifestation of optic nerve involvement in Diabetes Mellitus " at KOSCON 2020
- Paper on " Dry eye, a Myth or a Fact?!" at KOSCON 2020
Experience: 4 years and 6 months
working as Senior Resident at NMCWorkshops attended :
- KOSCON 2019
- KOSCON 2020
- CME on refractive surgery
- CME cum hands on workshop on oculoplasty and retina

Dr Shilpa B K
Assistant Professor
- MS in Ophthalmology from Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, June 2021.
- MBBS from Raichur Institute of Medical Science and Hospital, Raichur, 2015.
- HSC from Kittur Rani Chennamma Residential School for girls Kittur, 2009.
- SSLC from Kittur Rani Chennamma Residential School for girls Kittur, 2007.
- Worked as an Intern (1 year) in Raichur Institute Of Medical Science College and Hospital, Raichur, 2014-2015.
- Worked as a Medical Officer in Shri Laxmi Narayan Multispecialty Hospital, Raichur, September 2015- December 2015.
- Worked as a Junior Resident (6 months) in Department of General Medicine @ Raichur Institute of Medical Science College, January 2016June 2016.
- Worked as Medical Officer in KPTCL Hospital Shaktinagar, July 2016- February 2017.
- Worked as a Junior Resident (3 years) in Department of Ophthalmology while pursuing M.S in Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, Rajasthan, 2018-2021.
- Providing clinical and moral support to the patients.
- Proper history taking of patients & documentation
- Measuring visual acuity both near & distance! And color vision
- Fundus examination & it's interpretation with color diagram
- Refraction both objective & subjective
- Performing OCT, Bscan, A scan & visual field perimetry
- Diagnosis and issuing of disability certificate for the required cases
- Surgically assisted in
- Phacoemulsification
- SICS in difficult cases
- Penetrating keratoplasty
- Trabeculectomy
- SFIOL implantation
- Iris claw lens insertion
- Personally I've done SICS, Scleral tear repair, pterygium excision n conjuctival autografting, corneal tear repair & minor procedures like entropion correction, evisceration, epilation, syringing, chalazion excision, cyst removal, suture removal etc.
- Participated and presented a paper in State conference on ”Prevelance type of cataract in Relation tp Axial Length in Patients with Myopia in South Rajasthan” during September 2019.
- Particioated and Presented a poster on ”ARare Case Report of Gelatinous Papilliform Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia in RVD +ve”in RNT Medical College (RNT Updates 2019) .

Dr. Sheshank
Assistant Professor